- Bash Scripts -
A list of useful bash scripts I have created
- randomstring.sh - 2024-11-09
#!/bin/bash symbols='0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIGKLMNOPQRSTUVYXWZ~#$&_+-=/\' count_symbols="${#symbols}" if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "No length specified."; else ((length = "$1")) for i in $(seq 1 "$length") ; do string+="${symbols:RANDOM % count_symbols:1}" done echo "$string" | tr -d '\n' | xsel -i -b # xsel is a dependency, or not if you don't need it string="" echo "$length" "RND Character String Was placed in clipboard, have fun :)"; fi
Full credit to Choroba for the very clever method, my implementation is quite lazy in contrast
Usage: ./randomstring.sh *NumberOfCharacters*
What it does: outputs a random string of characters defined by a positional argument to your clipboard.
Note: xsel is a clipboard tool, it can be removed if you want standard output to the terminal.
- fzfdirectorydumper.sh - 2024-09-22
#!/bin/bash filenum="$(find -maxdepth 2 -type f | wc -l)"; finalfilenum="$((filenum-1))"; printf "%s" "$finalfilenum" " Files found."; printf "\nPlease use the Shift+Tab keys to select all files."; sleep 4; clear; fzf="$(fzf -m -q / | tr '\n' ' ')" && mv $fzf "$(pwd)"; cd "$(pwd)";
Usage: Put the script in the directory containing the folders you want to extract the files from, then run
What it does: for every folder, it goes 1 folder depth in to fetch files & moves them into the script directory.
Note: fuzzy finder (fzf) is a dependency. If you have spaces in filenames, use my other script below.
- directorydumper.sh - 2024-11-09
#!/bin/bash workingdir="$(pwd)" && foldercount="$(ls -l | grep -c "^d")" && movecount="0" [[ "$foldercount" == 0 ]] && echo "No folders found." || echo "$foldercount" "Folders found. Searching files..."; while [[ "$foldercount" -ne 0 ]]; do cd "$(ls -d */ | sort -r | cut -f1 -d'/' | sed ""${foldercount}"q;d")"; [[ "$(ls -A)" ]] && mv --backup=numbered * "$workingdir" && ((movecount++)) cd ..; ((foldercount--)); done [[ ! "$movecount" == 0 ]] && echo "Finished!" && movecount="0" || echo "Your folders don't have any files to transfer!";
Usage: Put the script in the directory containing the folders you want to extract the files from, then run
What it does: for every folder, it goes 1 folder depth in to fetch files & moves them into the script directory.
Note: This script works with any folder or file with spaces or special characters, go nuts!
If you have duplicate file names, they will have ~NUM~ concatenated to the end to avoid data loss.
I recommend using this if your folders only contain files. Folders will get transfered but it's not optimized for that.
In case of the latter happening, run the script until everything has been moved into your working directory.
- webcamviewer.sh - 2024-11-12
#!/bin/bash videolist="$(ls /dev/ | grep video | wc -l)"; if [[ "$videolist" != "0" ]]; then echo "Found "$videolist" cam feeds: "$(ls /dev/ | grep video | tr '\n' ' ')""; for ((i = 1 ; i < "$videolist" + 1; i++ )); do if [[ -z "$(v4l2-ctl -l --device /dev/"$(ls /dev/ | grep video | tr '\n' ' ' | cut -d " " -f $i)")" ]]; then printf "$(ls /dev/ | grep video | tr '\n' ' ' | cut -d " " -f "$i") "; printf "has no controls according to v4l2-ctl, it's probably broken..\n"; fi done printf "Which one would you like to try?\nNumber: "; read videochoice [[ -z "$videochoice" ]] && printf "Using first feed.\n" && videochoice="1"; ((videolist++)) if [[ "$videochoice" =~ ^[0-9]+$ && "$videochoice" -gt 0 && "$videochoice" -lt "$videolist" ]]; then camfeed="$(ls /dev/ | grep video | tr '\n' ' ' | cut -d " " -f "$videochoice")" printf "What resolution do you want?\n1. 1920x1080\n2. 1280x720\n3. 640x480\n4. 360x360\n"; printf "Number: "; read rc case $rc in 1) rc="1920x1080" ;; 2) rc="1280x720" ;; 3) rc="640x480" ;; 4) rc="360x360" ;; *) rc="1920x1080" && printf "Using biggest resolution.\n" ;; esac mpv --demuxer-lavf-o=video_size="$rc",input_format=mjpeg av://v4l2:/dev/"$camfeed" --profile=low-latency else printf "Invalid input.\n"; fi else printf "No feed found in /dev/\n"; fi
Usage: connect your webcam or camera, then run ./webcamviewer.sh
What it does: checks for video feeds in /dev/ and asks which one to open with mpv and what resolution.
Note: mpv is a dependency, you should tweak the script to your liking if you want to use another viewer.
This script assumes you have v4l2-ctl installed, you can remove the entire for loop if you don't.
- worldbackup.sh - 2024-08-30
#!/bin/bash i="0"; o="0"; p="0"; # The reasoning behind the sleep commands is to not give the CPU heart attacks by letting the script run loose # Remember, a path starts with a / and typing a folder name like home/user/Documents/world will NOT work. echo "- * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * -" echo "| Note: You can type full paths or a folder, but the folder needs |" echo "| to be in the current/working directory |" echo "- * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * -" while [ "$p" -eq 0 ] do while [ "$i" -eq 0 ] do echo "World Not Defined." sleep 0.5; while [ "$o" -eq 0 ] do printf "%s" "World Folder/Directory: "; read WorldDirectory if [ "${WorldDirectory#*"/"}" != "$WorldDirectory" ]; then # POSIX substring parameter expansion IsWorldDirPath=1; # User entered a path if test -d "$WorldDirectory"; then printf "Valid Path :D "; ((o++)) # Ignore loop else echo "Invalid Path.. Trying again" sleep 0.5; fi else IsWorldDirPath=0; # User did not enter a path if test -d "$WorldDirectory"; then printf "Valid Folder :D " ((o++)) # Ignore loop else echo "Invalid Folder.. Trying again" sleep 0.5; fi fi done echo "Using" $WorldDirectory; sleep 0.5; ((i++)); # Ignore loop done ((i--)) # Reset state to 0 ((o--)) # Reset state to 0 while [ "$i" -eq 0 ] do echo "Backup Not Defined." sleep 0.5; while [ "$o" -eq 0 ] do printf "%s" "Backup Folder/Directory: "; read BackupDirectory if [ "${BackupDirectory#*"/"}" != "$BackupDirectory" ]; then IsBackupDirPath=1; # User entered a path if test -d "$BackupDirectory"; then printf "Valid Path :D "; ((o++)) # Ignore loop else echo "Invalid Path.. Trying again" sleep 0.5; fi else IsBackupDirPath=0; # User did not enter a path if test -d "$BackupDirectory"; then printf "Valid Folder :D " ((o++)) # Ignore loop else echo "Invalid Folder.. Trying again" sleep 0.5; fi fi done echo "Using" "$BackupDirectory"; sleep 0.5; ((i++)); # Ignore loop echo "----------------------------------" done echo "$WorldDirectory" "will be copied over to" "$BackupDirectory" "every day with the yyyy-mm-dd format." echo "Time is according to your locale, using the 12-hour clock with AM PM indicators." sleep 0.5; printf "%s" "Sounds Good? : "; read Answer if [ "$Answer" == "yes" ] || [ "$Answer" == "Yes" ] || [ "$Answer" == "YES" ] || [ "$Answer" == "yeah" ]; then if [ "$IsWorldDirPath" == 0 ]; then # If not a path printf "Concatenating World Folder To Form a Path. . . " FullWorldPath="$(echo "$(pwd)""/"$WorldDirectory)" sleep 0.5; if test -d "$FullWorldPath"; then echo "Success !"; ((o++)) # Ignore loop fi fi if [ "$IsBackupDirPath" == 0 ]; then # If not a path printf "Concatenating Backup Folder To Form a Path. . . " FullBackupPath="$(echo "$(pwd)""/"$BackupDirectory)" sleep 0.5; if test -d "$FullBackupPath"; then echo "Success !"; ((o++)) # Ignore loop fi fi if [ "$IsWorldDirPath" == 1 ]; then # If a path echo "Valid World Path :D"; FullWorldPath="$WorldDirectory" ((o++)) # Ignore loop fi if [ "$IsBackupDirPath" == 1 ]; then # If a path echo "Valid Backup Path :D"; FullBackupPath="$BackupDirectory" ((o++)) # Ignore loop fi ((p++)) # Ignore loop else echo "Process Interrupted, Trying Again."; ((i--)) # Reset state to 0, Loop continues ((o--)) # Reset state to 0, Loop continues sleep 0.5; fi done cd "$FullBackupPath" while : do CurrentDate="$(date +"%F_%r" | tr -d " ")"; mkdir "$CurrentDate" cp -r "$FullWorldPath" "$CurrentDate" echo "Backup done at: "$CurrentDate""; sleep 1d done
Usage: ./worldbackup.sh
What it does: it backups a folder every day, that's fundamentally it.
Note: I used this script before to backup my minecraft server, 90% is error checking before the backup process.
DO NOT run my scripts with elevated privileges, I will beat the shit out of you am not a security expert.