\\\ This site is under construction \\\


- Changelog -



-+- I added my thoughts on cars in the Thoughts section and I updated my Resources page, nothing much else :)


-+- I created a new background and changed the main page to accomodate it, I think it looks pretty nice & hopefully people won't find it too distracting, I purposefully lowered the brightness as it would have been hard to read text.


-+- The site layout was tweaked a bit yesterday for a more categorised approach. There is now a new section containing my favorite music inside the Various Favorites section, baaaah.


-+- I added a Favorite Content Creator page in the Misc section. Channel names link to the youtube domain for now since unfortunately most invidious instances are down, frowny face cloudy day.


-+- I got my hands on a phone to test the website, as it turns out, I did not take into account that the unicode characters for the play pause stop buttons are not universally standardized lol.. I now rely on images rather than unicode characters in the Tracks page.

-+- I also changed the layout of the Tracks page due to it not being responsive on phones, I deemed the time I would have needed to invest in order to make the old layout responsive not worth it, for now I think it looks fine, I added a button to the right of each track that downloads them.


-+- I got the dynamic DNS working correctly for the minecraft server.


-+- The site is now responsive apart from the Tracks page, big thanks to sadgrl for the information.


-+- Added Thoughts and 3D Printing in the Misc section.


-+- The Tracks page now has keybinds, you can change the volume by using the up down arrow keys and scrub through a track by using the left right arrow keys. You can also play and pause a track by pressing the spacebar, the play pause keybind is linked to the most recently clicked play button, as well as the scrubbing keybind.


-+- I reworked everything JavaScript related in the Tracks page. Huge improvement, using one single audio object for every track & tracks are now added using an array, a nice bonus to this, a feature I implemented before (absolutely ruined my mind) comes naturally when using one audio object, an automatic stop of any track which was playing for priority to another track's play button of which the user clicked most recently. Trust me what I did before was an edritch horror. I am feeling more confident with HTML and JS now compared to 4 days ago.


-+- The moon is huge tonight holy shit, I forgot how big this muthafucka gets


-+- The HTML audio tags in the Tracks page have all been moved to JavaScript, markup has also been improved so that the media button divs (containing the actual play pause stop icons) no longer have IDs but rather call upon JavaScript functions when clicked, or in layman's terms, powered by secret soydev kawaii chunkopop sized poptart juice protein shakes.

-+- I also cleaned some of the JS for better readability. In the Tracks page, I tried everything to make the volume slider control every audio element by calling one singular ID or class or name assigned to each audio element but nothing works. As much as it pisses me off, I will currently settle with calling every audio element to set the volume with the slider & the default 50% playback gain, frowny face cloudy day :(